APEX Educational Programs President and CEO Dr. Adam Peck has more than 25 years in Student Affairs including experience as an Interim Vice President, Assistant Vice President and Dean of Student Affairs. From working at small and large, public and private, two and four year schools, Dr. Peck brings focused academic research, applied administrative and classroom experience, and a background in entertainment to the stage. His presentations are high energy and high impact and he is a highly sought after speaker for presentation inside higher education and throughout business communities..
Select Keynote Presentations
Canadian Association of Career Educators and Employers
Southern Association of Colleges and Employers
Texas Association of College and University Student Personnel Administrators Focus on First Generation Conference
2017 Chester E. Peters Lecture Series Presentation
Drive positive change that improves student experiences.
"Your work helped create a major campus success."
-Dr. Bruce Skinner, CASP Assistant Vice President for Student Success & Auxiliary Services Instructor, University Studies Southeast Missouri State University